Post 5 years they should have a greater chance for both archotech body parts and psychic emanator.
Trader needs pysfocus apparel added to their inventory, and more pystrainers. Extreme late game they don’t have enough items you can’t produce yourself. They are good source of advanced components, glitterworld medicine, techprints, armor, bionics, and the occasional link weapon. They are very good early to mid game, but meh extreme late game. It could be like tiers, and reach a reward tier by sending enough people. These quests should be tweaked so the player can decide how many to send, and scale rewards appropriately. Sometimes they can ask for more pawns then what you have at settlement, even with a high faction population. Not sure if the colonist lend quests have been fixed to account for multiple player settlements. Throne room sharing was the best rebalance. Quests/Royal favor and title/pyscast progression. Despite this, there are some flaws about how the player interacts with the Empire. (Including shift queue, psychite tea.) The rebalance changes, quest changes, and bug/quirk fixes have helped a lot. Royalty DLC was the most unexpected, but best Rimworld updates we have had.